How to get the Churn Models for your user base fast – video

Xpanse AI + Redshift Serverless = Churn Analytics & Churn Models in minutes.
Traditional vs Automated Predictive Analytics

Despite the red-hot hype making it sound like something new – Predictive Analytics has been around for decades.
The number of tools you can use while delivering Predictive Models has exponentially grown in the last few years, yet the amount of effort burnt on delivering models has not changed much.
It’s important to understand why…
The untapped power of Customer Insights

Within a vastly competitive landscape driven by fast-paced, informed consumers, it is no longer an option for companies to market effectively without the benefit insights. More and more, management teams are becoming aware of this need and are drilling into their data like never before.
Automated Data Science is Here

Companies around the globe already use Xpanse AI to accelerate their time-to-insight and meet their demand for data-driven decision making.
Xpanse AI talk in Dublin Tech Talks meetup

Yesterday (14th Jan 2020) CEO of Xpanse Maciek Wasiak gave a rather informal talk in Dogpatch Labs about the messy profession of Data Scientists. The Meetup was organized by Dublin Tech Talks. The key points:– There is zero agreement on what Data Science really is. Even Wikipedia is confused about this topic.– Data Scientists are a temporary solution to the problem with […]