Xpanse Automated Data Science for Premier Sports

Premier Sports apply ultra-fast and agile advanced analytics solutions for Cross-Sell and Up Sell.

Premier Sports is a sports television company based in Dublin, Ireland broadcasting throughout selected European and Asian countries. The company was formed in 1990 to facilitate the broadcasting of Irish sporting events to international audiences.

A key challenge for the business is the rapid pace at which their customer sentiments constantly evolve.

“The individual needs of our customers are continually changing.” says Mickey O’Rourke – CEO of Premier Sports.

Better understanding of customers and their changing behaviors became a key business challenge and Premier Sports investigated building an internal Data Science team for this reason.

However, such an approach was going to take up a lot of time and the costs were proving prohibitive. A significantly faster, agile and much more cost-effective solution was required.

Xpanse deploy rapid Advanced Analytics, AI – ML solutions. After a brief discussion the Xpanse team were engaged and carried out a brief initial investigation of the available data. The Xpanse team’s expertise and in-house technologies enabled them to offer solution and model delivery within a 3 day SLA. This allowed for quick and frequent builds of fresh models while discarding the old ones at a significantly lower cost. Through the detailed analysis of their data, the Premier Sports team identified a number of Cross-Sell and Up Sell opportunities to match their customer needs.

This was a paradigm shift for revenue optimization. 

“Premier Sports customers’ needs change very frequently. What they want to watch today might be entirely different to what they watched a few months or even weeks ago. 
This makes months-long projects completely irrelevant. 
Xpanse technology allows for rapid and almost effortless discovery of new trends based on the last several days of customer behaviors.”

Maciek Wasiak CEO of Xpanse 

Xpanse allows us to gain insights and discover new customer opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling based on their most recent behaviors. The output details we get are always current and immediately actionable.”

Mickey O’Rourke – CEO – Premier Sports

Vastly improved awareness of changing customer needs
Fresh and actionable insights of who to target and with what offer

“Instead of spending weeks on building a potentially “stale” analysis – we get fresh insights within a day. We can immediately identify changing patterns together with what cross-sell or up-sell actions that we can then take over the coming days.”